Tuesday, October 11, 2011

One Great DJ is better than 4 Average DJs or DJ Roulette


I hate it when I go to one of my favorite night spots and the regular DJ has been replaced with another DJ who sucks is not doing the job. I would much rather hear my favorite DJ be lazy, playing the same great songs again, than DJ Minute Mix acting like a live action iPod on hyper-shuffle.

A great DJ sets the tone for the night. That consistent vibe is what is missing when you keep switching DJs. Let me make this clear… a night doesn't become great because of multiple DJs, but a great promoter or promotion can overcome inconsistent DJs and make a great night. An iconic night marries a great DJ with a great promoter… that is the holy grail every nightclub is looking for.

The key to having one resident DJ is having someone who can switch up the music every week without the quality suffering. The reason why promoters use multiple DJs is because 1) DJs get lazy and play the same songs in the same way every week; and 2) DJs can't ask for more money because there are always 2-4 DJs waiting in the wings to take that spot for the same money you're turning down (promoters don't want you to realize that, DJs).

It's easy to fall back on the routines and sets you know already work, but that's the mark of a great DJ, to be able to keep people interested week after week. Yes, you do have to play the hits, and yes, we all are pulling from the same basic music, but instead of playing Poison, play Do Me Baby. Instead of playing Award Tour, play Electric Relaxation. Instead of playing Rock The Boat, play Back and Forth.

(Easy DJ Tip) One easy way to keep from getting into a rut, playing the same songs over and over again, is going to hear other DJs spin. What, you're too good to listen to other DJs? They ain't got nothing on you? Doesn't matter. Go listen to other DJs, and steal see what songs work for them. Add those songs to your mental rolodex of songs. 

(Advanced DJ Tip) Clear the dance floor by playing a hot new song that you know your crowd doesn't know, but will want to soon. Or you can play a throwback that nobody has heard in years. If you trust your talent, you will be able to get them back on the dance floor easily. But remember, there is a difference between playing a hot new song in the middle of a hot set and throwing a grenade, killing your dancefloor for 15 minutes or more. A great DJ knows how to recover from a grenade… once again, if you know your music and trust your abilities, you can move people from the sidelines, to the dancefloor, to the bar and around again at will.


Posted via email from nineteen degrees

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