Monday, December 19, 2011

Letting People In On Your Dreams

People love to comment on your dream… like they know better than you what you should be doing with your life. I firmly believe that by the time you are 20 years old, you should make your own decisions on the direction you want your life to go in. And then don’t tell anyone!

Everyone sees the world through their own prism. So when you tell someone about your dream, they comment on it like it is THEIR dream, and they critique it based on whether they think THEY would go down that path. Their words place doubt in your mind, making you less certain about your decision to follow your dream. After you have made the decision and have made it most of the way down the path, THEN tell whomever you like. At that point, you’re at the “no turning back” point and their words won’t weigh as much.

Posted via email from nineteen degrees